National Emergency Department Overcrowding Score
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Hospital staff is notified as soon as a score is added. NEDOCS® offers email and SMS notifications. Users can manage their own notification preferences to suit their needs.
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Visualize your trends using a graph and heatmap. NEDOCS® offers anonymous benchmarking against your health system, and all other NEDOCS® hospitals so you can see where you stand.

Data Over Opinions
Opinions around patient surges in the hospital are overwhelming during the COVID-19 pandemic. Patient flow is dynamic even without the additional forces of a crisis. NEDOCS® helps remove the news and social media clutter by helping your team form a consistent methodology around objective data.
NEDOCS® features a "live surge plan" for your team to track at all times. The surge plan updates with each score as the colors change. Learn from other hospitals using anonymous surge plan sharing.
NEDOCS® features a refined 5-level surge scale modeled after the LAC+USC Medical Center Surge Plan. The 5-level scale is best suited for care operations due to its simplicity.
LAC+USC Medical Center Surge Plan
NEDOCS® features a "live surge plan" for your team to track at all times. The surge plan updates with each score as the colors change. Learn from other hospitals using anonymous surge plan sharing.
NEDOCS® features a refined 5-level surge scale modeled after the LAC+USC Medical Center Surge Plan. The 5-level scale is best suited for care operations due to its simplicity.
LAC+USC Medical Center Surge Plan