Medical Center of Plano Success Story
Friday, March 6, 2015
-- Kirk Bradford at Medical Center of Plano --
The Medical Center of Plano began calculating NEDOCS (albeit a crude version of it) back in March of 2014. Adoption and compliance with timely calculations of scores was, at best, challenging. As our ER staff became more familiar with the calculations, compliance was better. This calculation was completed using a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and was not readily accessible to most of our leadership here at MCP.
I was fortunate to come across your NEDOCS application and immediately saw the benefits. The simple fact that ‘real-time’ communication of the NEDOC Scores made a huge impact on our ability to act and intervene in a more timely fashion. Our entire leadership from all departments of our hospital have become keenly aware of the capacity issues facing our Emergency Department, because they now have the scores and see the trends in real-time and get notifications to their mobile devices.
I want to thank you for making the implementation process so easy and for your responsiveness to our questions and needs.
Here is our data for the past year (I think it’s pretty impressive):
FYI – The month of January 2015, MCP has seen record admissions and both of our overflow admit units have been open and full because of house capacity.

-- End Story --
Updated September 1, 2021
The Medical Center of Plano began calculating NEDOCS (albeit a crude version of it) back in March of 2014. Adoption and compliance with timely calculations of scores was, at best, challenging. As our ER staff became more familiar with the calculations, compliance was better. This calculation was completed using a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and was not readily accessible to most of our leadership here at MCP.
I was fortunate to come across your NEDOCS application and immediately saw the benefits. The simple fact that ‘real-time’ communication of the NEDOC Scores made a huge impact on our ability to act and intervene in a more timely fashion. Our entire leadership from all departments of our hospital have become keenly aware of the capacity issues facing our Emergency Department, because they now have the scores and see the trends in real-time and get notifications to their mobile devices.
I want to thank you for making the implementation process so easy and for your responsiveness to our questions and needs.
Here is our data for the past year (I think it’s pretty impressive):
FYI – The month of January 2015, MCP has seen record admissions and both of our overflow admit units have been open and full because of house capacity.

-- End Story --
Updated September 1, 2021