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What Emergency Preparedness Managers Need
Monday, August 2, 2021
The hospital is a dynamic place. Emergent operations are daily routine even without the pandemic. The emergency preparedness manager has a task to keep key players involved in special projects.

There are many emergencies for which the hospital staff needs to prepare. The emergency manager needs to identify events, key players, notification methods, response notifications, and tracking of the event. Doing all of these items becomes even harder when the actual emergency is in progress.

Key team members should be part of a communication channel to stay abreast of the special requirements. Various plans and actions should be clearly communicated to the various departments directors and managers.

NEDOCS® makes it easy for the emergency preparedness manager to communicate emergency plans to the various parties when required. NEDOCS® provides for emergent plans to be stored under various action items. Hospital leadership is notified via email or SMS as events happen. NEDOCS® makes it easy to track historical events so everyone knows the history of various events.

Emergency preparedness requires everyone stays under one umbrella. NEDOCS® makes it possible through a straightforward communication channel.

NEDOCS® is a must have tool for every hospital emergency preparedness manager.